27.10.2022 Energie, Horizont Europa, Klima, Mobilität, Städte

Missions in Horizon Europe from the Perspective of Transdisciplinary Research


27.10.2022 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr

The European missions target major societal challenges and aim for ambitious goals. Learn more about the missions and their transdisciplinary research approach.

Missions in Horizon Europe are EU-wide research and development tools to address societal challenges and to achieve ambitious but realistic goals. To make this possible, interdisciplinary and intersectoral measures are supported, from basic research to the stage just before implementation in practice.

The University of Bonn is organising this online event which will give you an overview of the different missions with a special focus on the aspects of transdisciplinary research.  The event will be held in English.

Researchers of all career levels are welcome. The event is particularly targeted at Horizon Europe newcomers and researchers with first grant application experiences. 

Register to the event

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